Brandt Lewis
Brandt is the kind of art director that doesn't say much unless something needs to be said. Then good luck shutting him up. The list of brands that Brandt has created award-winning work for is too long to list here, but if you asked him to name a few of his favorites, he'd probably say—Maserati, Playstation, Samsung, Burger King and Kraft Macaroni & Cheese. Brandt has four kids but only one wife!
Brandt also has written and published two children's books. But Brandt is best known for his wide array of hats and his uncomfortably tight t-shirts.
Patrick Maravilla
Patrick is the talker of the guys. He will talk and talk and talk then, when it's time, he shuts up and writes. So those guys balance each other out nicely. Patrick has written a bunch of award winning work for brands like Samsung, 9-Lives, Coke Zero, Brammo, Slim Jim, Nike and yes, Meow Mix. (In case you were wondering.)
Patrick has four kids too. But his wife is different than Brandt's wife. (C'mon, we live in Utah, we're not FROM Utah.)
Patrick fly fishes. A lot. Seriously, it's a problem. Which means Utah fits him like a glove. (Or like one of Brandt's t-shirts.)
Those Guys have worked as a creative team and CD team at these agencies:
Those Guys have worked separately at these fine agencies:
Those Guys have produced work that has been recognized by these fine folks:
Those Guys have worked on a lot of brands.
And Those Guys have produced a lot of kids that haven't won any awards yet.
#veryfertile #timetogetsnipped #wemarriedwayaboveourselves